Friday, June 3, 2011

Video Deposition Tip: Vetting your producer--The Long Version

Yes, the nineteen century has served the law well for hundreds of years but how do you choose someone to shoot your video deposition?
Ask around, colleagues, court reporters.

When you find someone, ask them:

What kind of camera/recorder do you have? You can make an adequate picture with a one chip camera, though everyone has three chip cameras. Recording to VHS tape is over. DV, standard definition is fine. HD sounds better but I have reservations about all the empty horizontal screen on each side of the (one hopes) vertical deponent.

How early do you get there? (My usual is forty-five minutes to an hour early, though I can throw my setup together in about twelve minutes.)

What's your audio setup? They need clip-on lavalieres for each speaker, balanced audio, (if they don't know what that is, wish them well and move on), a mixer, also balanced, headphones that cover their ears (some people are too cool to wear these because they look funny and they mess up their hair. These people are too cool for you.)

What's your backup recording equipment? I feed my whole digital video and audio signal to a second digital recorder AND make an old-fashioned audio cassette for the reporter. Once I had to borrow that audio cassette back to replace the audio on a question.
Are you a notary? Some jurisdictions require this. I'm inordinately proud to be one and I love administering the oath.

Do you know the law about video depositions? There are some national standards and some local color. You should keep a copy on your iPad.

How fast can you turn around a dep? Think ahead about what you need.

Can you edit it when you get the judge's decisions and deliver a dvd? Again, can they do it fast enough. In Illinois, the judge gives his dep edit decisions along with motions in limine and there's always a rush to get the dep ready for the next day. I'm ready for that.

What does it cost? They should be able to tell you exactly for a given amount of time. I measure it from the scheduled start of the dep until it ends for the day, rounded up to the next quarter hour. Dvd copies are charged by running time. If you cancel the day of the dep, I charge for a first hour, my minimum.

If they're defensive or shaky on any of this, wish them well and move on. Every city has someone good. If not, call me. I love to travel.

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